Program Ijazah Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

Program Ijazah Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) yang dahulunya dikenali sebagai Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia (KUIM) merupakan salah sebuah universiti awam di Malaysia. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia menawarkan pelbagai program pengajian di pelbagai peringkat. Bagi mereka yang ingin melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat ijazah sudah pasti akan tercari-cari program pengajian yang menjadi pilihan mereka.

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia menawarkan pelbagai program pengajian di peringkat ijazah sarjana muda. Bagi mereka yang ingin melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda, untuk rujukan berikut adalah senarai program ijazah sarjana muda yang ditawarkan di Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.

Quranic & Sunnah Studies
Bachelor of Quranic and Sunnah Studies with Honours
Bachelor of Quranic Studies with Multimedia with Honours
Bachelor of Sunnah Studies with Information Management with Honours

Leadership Management
Bachelor of Akidah and Religion Studies with Honours
Bachelor of Communication with Honours
Bachelor of Counseling with Honours
Bachelor of Da'wah and Islamic Management with Honours
Bachelor of New Media Communication with Honours

Syariah & Law
Bachelor of Fiqh and Fatwa with Honours
Bachelor of Law and Shariah with Honours - (LLB and Shariah) (Hons)

Economics & Muamalat
Bachelor of Accounting with Honours
Bachelor of Corporate and Administration with Relations with Honours
Bachelor of Islamic Banking and Finance with Honours
Bachelor of Marketing (Financial Services) with Honours
Bachelor of Muamalat Administrations with Honours

Science & Technology
Bachelor of Computer Science with Honours (Information Security and Assurance)
Bachelor of Science with Honours (Actuarial Science and Risk Management)
Bachelor of Science with Honours (Applied Physics)
Bachelor of Science with Honours (Financial Mathematics)
Bachelor of Science with Honours (Food Biotechnology)
Bachelor of Science with Honours (Industrial Chemical Technology)

Medicine & Health Sciences
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS)

Major Languages Studies
Bachelor of Arabic and Communication with Honours

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

Engineering & Built Environment
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Electronic Engineering)
Bachelor of Science in Architecture with Honours

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