Program Ijazah Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Program Ijazah Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) merupakan salah sebuah universiti awam di Malaysia. Universiti Sains Malaysia menawarkan pelbagai program pengajian di pelbagai peringkat. Universiti Sains Malaysia menawarkan pelbagai program pengajian di pelbagai peringkat. Bagi mereka yang ingin melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat ijazah sudah pasti akan tercari-cari program pengajian yang menjadi pilihan mereka.

Universiti Sains Malaysia menawarkan pelbagai program pengajian di peringkat ijazah sarjana muda. Untuk rujukan mereka yang ingin melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda di universiti awam, berikut adalah senarai program ijazah sarjana muda yang ditawarkan di Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Applied Science

Housing, Building & Planning
Bachelor of Science Architecture
Bachelor of Science Interior Architecture
Bachelor of Science Build Surveying
Bachelor of Science Build Technology
Bachelor of Science Construction Management
Bachelor of Science Urban and Regional Planning
Bachelor of Science Quantity Surveying

Industrial Technology
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioresource, Paper and Coatings)
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Food)
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Bioprocess)
Bachelor of Technology (Honours) (Environmental)

Pharmaceutical Science
Bachelor of Pharmacy

Computer Science
Bachelor of Computer Science

Applied Arts

Educational Studies
Bachelor of Arts with Education
Bachelor of Science with Education
Bachelor of Education - TESOL
Bachelor of Education (Special Education)

Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Management

Persuasive Communication
Film & Broadcasting

BFA (Hons) Acting & Directing
BFA (Hons) Graphic Communication
BFA (Hons) Design & New Media Technology
BA (Hons) Fine Art
BMus (Hons) Performance & Pedagogy
BFA (Hons) Product Design

Pure Arts

Languages, Literacies & Translation
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) English for Professionals

Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
Malay Language Studies
English Language Studies
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) English Language and Literature Studies
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Translation and Interpretation Studies
Islamic Studies
Philosophy and Civilisation

Social Sciences
Bachelor of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Social Work

Pure Sciences

Biological Sciences
B.Sc (Science)
B.Sc (Applied Science)
Aquatic Biology
Environmental Biology
Entomology and Parasitology

Chemical Sciences
B.Sc (Chemistry)
B.App.Sc (Analytical Chemistry)
B.App.Sc (Industrial Chemistry)

Mathematical Sciences
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematical Modelling)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Applied Statistics)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Operation Research)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics & Economics)

Bachelor of Science
Pure Physics
Bachelor of Applied Science
Applied Physics
Engineering Applied
Medical Physics


Health Sciences
Bachelor of Health Science (Audiology)
Bachelor of Health Science (Biomedicine)
Bachelor of Health Science (Dietetics)
Bachelor of Health Science (Environmental and Occupational Health)
Bachelor of Health Science (Exercise & Sports Science)
Bachelor of Health Science (Forensic Science)
Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Radiation)
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor Degree in Health Science (Nutrition)
Bachelor of Health Science (Speech Pathology)


Medical Sciences
Doctor of Medicine


Dental Sciences
Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)


Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Bachelor Engineering (Hons) (Electronic)
Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Hons) Electrical Engineering
Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Hons) Mechatronic Engineering

Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering
B.Eng (Hons) Materials Engineering
B.Eng (Hons) Mineral Resources Engineering
B.Eng (Hons) Polymer Engineering

Aerospace Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Aerospace Engineering)

Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) with (Honours)

Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering)

Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Manufacturing Engineering with Management)

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